Asians For Liberty’s vision is that all U.S. citizens, with emphasis on Asians, will understand and defend their rights as noted in the United States Constitution. Through lessons taught by history and powerful testimonials, many Asians For Liberty chapters are to flourish across the nation, so that they may strengthen their communities in the fight to preserve our Constitutional freedoms.
Asians For Liberty’s mission is to empower Asians to enjoy fully the principles of the United States Constitution, human liberty, free markets, limited government and private ownership of property by:
Educate Asians on their Constitutional rights. Through outreach, video tutorials, and information on Asians For Liberty’s website, Asians will understand the importance of the liberties granted by the U.S. Constitution.
Enlighten about how Asians have been impacted or harmed due to others bypassing our protected rights. Through first-hand testimonials of Asians across the nation and historical insights, Asians For Liberty’s will bring awareness through these powerful means.
Train Asians on how to defend their rights. As our Constitutional rights are our protection, Asians For Liberty will help Asians recognize tactics that are meant to undermine our freedoms, and offer insights on how to stand up against them.
Register Asians to vote. Asians For Liberty will help Asians apply for voter registration and access absentee ballots.
Organize Asians to network. Asians For Liberty to empower Asians to hold chapters all across the U.S., so that Asian communities and friends may strengthen the power in defending our liberties.
Cathy Kiang
President & Co-Founder
As a 2nd generation American born in the US, Cathy Kiang is grateful for the sacrifices her grandparents made in escaping Communist China and risking everything so that future generations could have the opportunity to prosper and live the American Dream. With over 15 years of operating a business in the travel and events industry, Cathy has led tours worldwide and has stood in the very places where history has unfolded. Seeing history now repeating itself in the form of Marxist ideology in the country her grandparents had fled to, Cathy is passionate about educating the Asian community about how their liberties are being threatened and how to defend their freedoms under the U.S. Constitution.

Sau O'Fallon
Vice President & Co-Founder
Sau was born in Hong Kong and moved to the United States at the young age of four, and proudly naturalized as a U.S. citizen in her youth. Having parents that were born in mainland China who strived hard for years to move to the U.S., Sau gained an understanding of the two countries’ differences through first hand testimony by both parents, who had also become proud U.S. citizens. Not being one who was politically-minded in general while pursuing a Marketing degree and eventually working in local broadcast television, Sau became very concerned when she started recognizing that the very freedoms her parents pursued were under attack here in the United States, and could not sit still about it. She and her husband Michael O’Fallon reside in Florida, and both love the Lord Jesus Christ and cherish their Constitutional rights.